Thursday, March 14, 2013


God surely must have a special place in Heaven for caregivers. Living in a senior community you become aware of how special are those men and women who are tied every hour of every day to partners who have acute medical problems. A neighbor is a case in point. Over the past five years his wife has become more and more feeble. She is tied to a motorized chair which allows her to get outside on bright, sunny days but is unable to handle such everyday tasks as getting in and out of bed. The only respite her husband usually gets is when a special bus comes to take the wife to some event. He does get in some golf occasionally and a friend or neighbor comes and sits with his wife. Knowing this, one of the poignant moments that I remember was at a New Year's Eve party when the husband actually picked his wife up out out of the wheelchair, held her up and they danced. We all teared and smiled as I would imagine God did also.

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