Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It's a shame that some people have to be "nit pickers" and negative much of the time. Recently grab bars were placed in the showers at our clubhouse. It was not long before someone went to the manager complaining that someone was hanging towels on the bars. Why should anyone care about this. As another example, several years ago a neighbor (who has since left) complained to the manager that someone across the street was hanging her clothes out to dry in the bright Arizona sun. No matter that she couldn't actually see the clothes. Didn't matter; it was against the rules. And then there was the woman who regularly after morning aerobics would make sure that all the chaises were lined up and complained when she found them out of order. This is pettiness and "nit picking". These incidents involved senior citizens but I would bet you might find other younger people who are just as possessed.

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