Sunday, April 28, 2013


Recently my wife and I spent a warm morning helping our church clean up the litter from a section of Interstate 8 that it had adopted. It was an eye opener. It makes you realize how little some concern some people have for our environment. There were empty McDonald's sack and paper cups, empty beer cans and bottle, large pieces of cardboard, and just about anything else that could be thrown from a fast moving car. I assume many of the culprits were the same people who won't walk six feet to put trash or recyclables in containers. Are they lazy or do they just not care. I suspect if officers could catch more litterers in the act and their punishment was picking up trash along the highways they might think again before rolling down the window and pitching. It wasn't just the constant bending over to pickup the trash out of the roadside bushes that made for a tiring morning. The whole character of the experience changed when we were warned that, with the warm weather, the rattle snakes were out. 

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