Saturday, October 6, 2012


For those who were worried, after reading a previous entry about the complications of having a potluck, we did actually "pig out". Not without some trouble, however. To get people there we had to put a note in each person's mailbox because many people just do not pay attention to signs. Then we had to rummage through items from the clubhouse waiting outside for the floors to be refinished. It involved moving a variety of artificial plants, a quilting table, a large bookcase on a serving cart and a heavy equipment cart to find enough chairs and tables. But it was a great potluck with lots of good food (notice dessert is foremost in the photo) and plenty of good fellowship. It was a rather small gathering so there wasn't a need for some fair system for deciding who eats first. Those in attendance were told to just "act like adults" when it came time to eat. No one yelled "It's not fair" and there were no injuries. In large groups eating order can sometimes cause grumbling, especially from those who seated themselves after guessing which table would go first and were wrong. The downside of a potluck is, of course, being prudent in what you put on your plate (you don't have to have a little of everything so as not to hurt anyone's feelings.) Potlucks are not for everyone. There's one lady in our little community who never goes to such events because she doesn't know what is in the tempting dishes or the sanitary conditions under which they were produced. How sad. Someone like that has probably missed out on some wonderful experiences in their life.

1 comment:

  1. Several people have commented about the desserts being first and foremost in the photo. Was there a subliminal message here? I'm not sure.
