Monday, January 21, 2013


This is one of the little mysteries of life: why do some senior citizens take their daily walk in cold weather before the sun comes up. Believe it or not, it does get cold in the winter months although 40 degrees is not super cold for those from the north. Although not normally an early riser I found myself on the road at 7 a.m. recently. There were a number of seniors out walking. I can't understand why they would be out this time of day rather than waiting a couple of hours for the rising sun to quickly warm things up. Early morning walks are a necessity in the summer months to beat triple digit temperatures later on but surely not in the winter. I discovered later one of the reason there are so many people out early is that many are in bed by 8 p.m. so have got their recommended eight hours of sleep. Another reason is that many seniors have insomnia and are up much of the night. To each his own but you literally want to shout out the window: "If you are going to walk in the dark, at least wear light colored clothing so us bleary eyed motorists won't run you over!"As for me I prefer to wait for the sun to come up so I can enjoy the beauty of the desert as I walk.

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