Thursday, March 7, 2013


Senior citizens are generally fun to be around. They've seen it all and done it all. They have built self-esteem which allows them the luxury of not necessarily caring about what people think about them. That's why old guys can sometimes wear a bright orange shirt with checkered pants and a striped tie. Good examples of the freedom from care of seniors are the Turkey Man and the Garlic Man. Both are seen at craft shows in the Yuma, AZ area promoting products. The fellow with the turkey on his head is promoting a variety of dips that can be made from dry products aptly named Dip Sticks. The second fellow, with clove of garlic on his head, is promoting a variety of products made from garlic. How many young folks would you see wearing such unusual garb. Sometimes it does pay to get old so you can get away with any type of appearance without question. Seniors rule!

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