Wednesday, March 20, 2013


One of the favorite entertainments in the winter in Yuma, Arizona, are jam sessions which are held weekly just about every day at RV parks. With winter visitors from all over the country participating the jams provide a wide range and quality of instrumental and vocal talent and draw good crowds. Granted, some of the musical abilities are better than others; all are acceptive and polite. You'll hear banjos, guitars, accordions, clarinets and saxophones. One of the remarkable performers at the jam where I live is a man named who was once a resident at our community who readily admits he has a touch of dementia. Despite that slight handicap, this fellow can play on his sax or clarinet from memory just about any big band tune you can name. Dementia may rob someone of their daily functional memory but, happily, not of their musical ability or musical memory. 

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