Sunday, April 7, 2013


If the new government health care program (Obamacare) operates like the Medicare system from recent experience I would be wary of its success. Case in point: the recent failure of Medicare Advantage program company Universal Health Care and how its demise was handled. My wife received a call from her doctor advising her to bring in her new membership card when she came for an appointment the next day. The wife said she didn't have a new card, that she was with the same carrier as before. "Oh no," the voice on the other end came back "that company is out of business." What a surprise. It was not until searching on the Internet that we found out that the company had, indeed, gone bankrupt and shut its doors the end of March. If it hadn't been for that call we would not have known our policy was no good until we finally got a letter from Medicare about a week later. I suspect they will blame that on the Postal Service. It was only through a number of calls that we found out what this meant to us and what we had to do to maintain health coverage. It was a very frustrating time and will continue to be until we can find another policy and wait 30 days for it to become effective. I don't consider that to be very effective communications and probably some of the same government agencies will be handling any new health initiatives. Bless the Internet, it was our sole means of immediate information. This was not a localized concern. Thousands of people around the country were affected by this business failure.

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