Saturday, December 29, 2012


I asked a fellow at church how he wanted to be identified on a photo. His name on a document was Mervin. He quickly told me he doesn't use that name but is known as Sonny. That caused me to ponder on names. I flashed back to my high school days with a male classmate whose official first name was Shirley. We didn't dare, however, to call him anything but "Doc". I think of him every time I hear Johnny Cash's version of "A Boy Named Sue." Sometimes even "normal names" can be a problem. Growing up and well into my adult years I answered to the name "Dick". That's what my parents called me and In my professional years I went by that name. Flash forward to 1991 when I fell in love with a wonderful woman who had a problem with the name I had used since birth. She asked: "What is the name on your birth certificate?" Of course the answer was "Richard." So everyone who has met me since 1991 knows me as Richard. I've got to admit that it does sound more dignified. I think, therefore, it's time for the Joes, Bobs, Bills and Harolds to consider coming out and using their "real" names.

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