Friday, February 15, 2013


A major route into the city of Yuma from the outlying Foothills is 32nd Street which is a four lane road.. The posted speed limit for most of that stretch of road is 55 mph. When trying to get quickly into town, if the inside lane is actually open, you will notice that the cars you pass dawdling along with have out-of-state licenses. For some reason winter visitors either are unaware of the speed limit or afraid to drive it. To make matters worse they may be in the inside lane, right next to someone from Alberta in the outside lane and they are both driving 40 mph. It can be so irking to permanent residents that they have been known to pass in the center left turn lane and/or weave back and forth too quickly between lanes: an accident waiting to happen. I guess as people get older, and many of the winter visitors are older, you lose the confidence you once had in the driver's seat. I have to admit that my dear father was that way: no matter what the speed limit he drove at a speed comfortable to him. That's why he never did like the Interstate highways. There's not much that Yumans can do about slow drivers only hope for April to come soon when winter visitors return to the far north.

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