Thursday, February 14, 2013


In an effort to get quickly through the checkout lanes at the local Walmart many people who can handle new technology are starting to use the self-checkout lanes. Not only can UPC code be a little frightening but you have to learn to shop a little differently. Pity the person who uses the self-checkout for the first time (and those waiting in line behind them) and has bought, among other things, two bananas. They apparently have not noticed that most bananas don't have a UPC tag on them. What this means is that they have to check out all the items that have codes and go to the cashier for the rest or just give up totally and switch lanes. For some reason the person watching over the self-checkout machines is not allowed to input price data for bananas and other fruits and vegetables. So if you want to get out of the grocery store quickly save the fruits and vegetables for another day.

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