Wednesday, February 13, 2013


When living in Yuma, Arizona, small car ownership has advantages and disadvantages. The main objective is to save money on fuel. Small cars, also, can fit in spaces that others can't. But in Yuma a very definite disadvantage is the size of other vehicles in the Walmart parking lot. Many of the winter visitors come to town with a fifth wheel which requires a big diesel truck to pull it. If you happen to park in between two of the large trucks, noisy as a tank and seemingly almost as large, it's hard to even find your car. Then while backing out it seems you go forever before you can see if there is any traffic. All you can do is hope those in motion are quick to honk their horn. That's why I will first always look for a pull through parking spot. I've yet to pull through just as someone in the other lane is pulling in but I know it can happen and try to be careful. The other thing I learned about small cars is to never by a silver one. Silver seems to be the color of choice, next to white, for those living in the desert southwest. I'm looking forward to April when most winter visitors return home and take their monster trucks with them. Then, and only then, will I feel safe in the Walmart parking lot.

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