Wednesday, March 13, 2013


It can be a dangerous thing to "wear your heart on your sleeve" if it is too easily knocked off. An example is a story that surfaced several years ago about an event in a senior community. It was during the winter months and the clubhouse was decorated with beautiful crocheted snowflakes hanging from the ceiling. It just so happened that a memorial service was planned for that facility for a departed resident. The women in charge of that, for some unexplainable reason, decided that the snowflakes were not appropriate for a memorial service and took them down. The person responsible for decorating the clubhouse asked the person who took the decorations down if she would put them back up. For some reason (even though the request to put the snowflakes back up was non-confrontational) that woman got her feelings hurt. To this day she will not speak to the woman who asked her to put them back (not even at the same church they attend). The snowflakes have never been found. You can only feel pity for someone who shuns another over such a minor incident. 

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