Tuesday, April 9, 2013


In our little community we may have to hire a pool guard (not a life guard) to make sure that all the rules are being followed. This came about after they put in new safety grab bars in the showers. Some observant soul complained that people, primarily in the women's shower, were hanging clothes on the safety bars. This is a "no-no" (liability issues and all.) Then some resident let visiting members of their family come to the pool without accompanying them. That's a "no-no". Someone else (probably one that never uses the pool) complained about this. Then the pool gate is also to be locked at all times (liability issues and all) and some people are propping it open. So now we have three disturbing violations of the rules. I'm afraid hiring a pool guard may be the only way to keep this in line. Let's hope it is someone who will stand up and tell all the complainers to "get a life."

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