Monday, October 12, 2015


I lost a neighbor and friend this morning with the death of Patrik (don't call her Patricia or Pat) Isotalo. Patrik and George, her husand and caretaker of many years, were inspirations for those who knew them. George was right by his wife's side on those sunny, warm days on which she could wheel around the neighborhood in the motorized chair to which she had been confined for most of the past decade. George and Patrik were bound by love as illustrated when, during a New Year's Eve dance, George lifted Patrik out of the chair and danced with her. It's a scene I will remember always and it always bring a tear to my eye. We all enjoyed talking with Patrik because of her gutsy manner and plain language. Our admiration will continue for George, a devoted mate and caregiver who, I know, will miss her greatly.

Awareness of Patrik's death came, as medical emergencies usually do in our small community, with the rumble of a fire engine in the early morning just before dawn,  without siren but with flashing lights which can wake a person as they filter through the slats in the window blinds. One of the drawbacks of living in a community for people over 55 is that each year we lose friends and neighbors through aging. Most residents of the community are winter visitors who flee to Yuma when the cold winters of the north start. The ravages of old age will mean each year that fewer and fewer will be able to come back to bring our community to life during the winter months.

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